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Student Rules & Regulations

1.      Members are expected to be present and on time at all rehearsals and concerts programs. The rehearsal schedule is posted on the All-Shore Chorus Web Site.

2.      Members are expected to bring their music and a pencil to all rehearsals.

3.      Members are allowed two absences. If you are absent a 3rd time, however, you are automatically dismissed from the chorus.

4.      Any 3 "lates" to a rehearsal will count as one absence.

5.      Attendance at the Friday Dress Rehearsal is mandatory. No exceptions. If you miss, you are automatically dismissed from the chorus.

6.      Members are to dress properly for concerts. The appropriate dress will be full-length choral robes. Those not properly dressed will not be permitted to sing in the performance.

7.      Any student may be dropped from the All-Shore Chorus by the conductor for poor behavior at rehearsals or performances. Students are expected to be attentive and cooperative.

8.      Students are to sing only the voice part for which they auditioned, unless they are assigned to another specific part by the conductor.

9.      Students are expected to practice their All-Shore Chorus music on their own between rehearsals.

10.  Students must be present for an entire rehearsal to receive credit for attendance. If it is necessary for a student to leave before the end of a rehearsal, they will only be released when signed out by their parent/guardian.

11.  The All-Shore Chorus is not responsible for transportation to and from rehearsals and concerts. Each member school assumes the responsibility for approving the mode of transportation to and from rehearsals and concerts as dictated by the individual school’s policy.

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